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Departmental information: In principle, the department's courses are implemented in the Keelung campus in the first year of the university, the Matsu campus in the second year of the university, and the Keelung campus in the third and fourth years of the university!


The establishment of this department emphasizes the characteristics of “ocean engineering technology", such as ocean energy systems, coastal and ocean engineering, ocean electromechanical facilities, and coastal disaster prevention. The course of the department is based on the above-mentioned aspects as the planning content, and cooperates with the existing teachers and resources of the school. The sub-areas covered include: expertise in shipbuilding, machinery, materials, etc., and emphasize cross-disciplinary, integrated and professional. Students can freely choose a course group according to their interests, so that they can further study in the future, and encourage them to take multiple courses and cultivate students’ broad vision, so as to enhance students’ ability to integrate ocean engineering technology expertise.
This department has the following characteristics:
  • Studying in different places (Day 1 Keelung Campus, Sophomore Mazu Campus, Juniors – Senior 4 Keelung Campus)
  • Cross-domain learning
  • Provide industrial internship
  • A one-year NT$15,000 grant for a one-year grant during the Mazu Campus
  • Reimbursement of Keelung-Mazu round-trip ferry ticket transportation during the Mazu Campus